- Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer lab questions? Due tomorrow
- Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer lab; lab due Friday; lab quiz Friday; know: safety hazard described in the manual, how to define calorimeter, formula used in the assessment section, lab outcome
- Notes: Calorimetry
- Correct CCC (13) page 48, CCC (15) page 50, and SEP (17) page 53
- Do SEP (18) page 54
- Correct SEP (22) page 61, SEP (23) page 62, SEP (24) and “revisit the Anchoring Phenomenon” page 63
- Energy Quiz; 14 m.c. questions
- Complete Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer lab; lab debrief
- Read pages 55-62
- Discuss Investigative phenomenon
- Do SEP (22) page 61, SEP (23) page 62, SEP (24) and “revisit the Anchoring Phenomenon page 63; due tomorrow
- Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer lab; lab due Friday; lab quiz Friday; know: safety hazard described in the manual, how to define calorimeter, formula used in the assessment section, lab outcome
- Energy Quiz tomorrow
- Energy quiz Wednesday; know:
- Kinetic molecular theory
- How molecules move in a solid, liquid, and gas
- Know how energy flows through a system
- Compare and contrast convection, conduction, and radiation
- Why thermal equilibrium is hard to maintain
- Complete notes from Friday
- Correct CCC (13) page 48, CCC (15) page 50, and SEP (17) page 53
- Do SEP (18) page 54
- Tutoring today after school from 3:35-4:35
- Warm-up #1: How does a lava lamp work?
- Warm-up #2: How can a lava lamp be used as a model to explain convection?
- What is convection? Convection simulation
- Notes: Convection and radiation
- Notes: Feedback systems
- Read 48-53
- Do CCC (13) page 48, CCC (15) page 50, and SEP (17) page 53; due Tuesday
- Energy Quiz on Wednesday
- Specific Heat problem set due
- Do Thermodynamics Problem set; due Tuesday; include work and units in all steps and box in final answer
- Notes: Mechanisms of Heat Flow
- Video: Lava Lamp
- Notes: Conduction
- Read pages 41-47; do CCC (8) page 41 and CCC (12) page 47; due tomorrow
- Submit pHet lab sheet
- Specific Heat problem set due tomorrow
- Computer simulation: Thermal difference between substances with different specific heats
- Computer simulation: does heat flow faster through a hotter source?
- Laws of Thermodynamics simulations
- Notes: Heat of vaporization and fusion
- Submit Model Energy Conservation sheet
- PhET activity sheet due tomorrow
- Notes: Heat Capacity
- Heat Capacity Problem set: do all problems on a separate piece of paper showing units and all work. Box in final answers
- Complete notes from yesterday
- Pair/share: discuss your model from your w.s. with your seat partner; what are the limitations? Model sheet due tomorrow
- Discuss SEP (7) page 40
- PhET simulation: Energy forms and changes; complete activity sheet and submit
- Correct CCC (1) & SEP (2) page 35; SEP (4) page 37
- Notes: Laws of Thermodynamics
- Modeling: Energy Transfer and Conservation w.s.; due in class
- Pair/share: discuss your model from your w.s. with your seat partner; what are the limitations?
- Do SEP (7) page 40; discuss
- Bring Chromebooks or computers next week on Monday for pHet activity
- Complete reading from yesterday (10 minutes)
- Authentic Reading assignment due
- Notes: Kinetic energy
- Read 35-38
- Do CCC (1) & SEP (2) page 35; SEP (4) page 37; due tomorrow
- Revisit Anchoring Phenomena
- Introduce Investigative Phenomena: page 34-35
- Revisit Anchoring Phenomena
- Introduce Investigative Phenomena: page 34-35
- Popcorn reading (lab groups) “Supercharged geothermal energy…”
- Do Authentic Reading h.o; due tomorrow
- Review Final exam multiple choice
- Second Semester content
- Pass back assignments and make corrections
- Review all week for the final exam next week
- Period 1: Wednesday 1/15/25 8:30-10:30 am
- Period 2: Tuesday 1/14/25 8:30-10:30 am
- Period 3: Thursday 1/16/25 8:30-10:30 am
- Period 4: Thursday 1/16/25 10:40-12:40 am
- Period 5: Tuesday 1/14/25 10:40-12:40 am
- Period 6: Wednesday 1/15/25 10:40-12:40 am
- Unit exam 3 (Combustion)
- Record Objective and submit journal
- Submit Measuring the Energy of Organic Fuels lab
- Review Nuclear equations
- Notes: Enthalpy and Entropy
- Read pages 14-19
- Do CCC(13) page 15, CCC (15) page 17, and Investigative Phenomenon question (21) page 23; due today
- Plickers
- Combustion Unit test tomorrow
- Measuring the Energy of Organic Fuels; lab due tomorrow
- Submit Half life Property of a Radioactive Element Lab
- Complete notes on Temperature
- Notes: Enthalpy
- Read pages 11-13
- Correct SEP (8) page 11, CCC (9) page 12, SEP (10) and CCC (11) page 13
- Lab: Half life Property of a Radioactive Element; due tomorrow
- Nuclear Chemistry quiz
- Course selection questions
- Review Nutritional labels
- Assignment: Analyze Food labels for energy content
- Read pages 6-10 in your textbook
- Complete notes on Energy
- Notes: Temperature
- Read pages 11-13
- Do SEP (8) page 11, CCC (9) page 12, SEP (10) and CCC (11) page 13; due today
- Individual: Do the Authentic Reading on Wildfires; discuss
- Prompt: What does a fire need to burn?
- Videos: Ethanol burning
- Notes: Combustion
- Correct CCC (3) page 6, SEP (4) page 7, SEP (8) page 11, CCC (9) page 12, CCC (11) page 13 and correct CCC (28) page 32; homework check /3
- Review Nutritional labels
- Assignment: Analyze Food labels for energy content
- Read pages 6-10 in your textbook
- Nuclear Chemistry quiz on Friday
- Complete notes
- Do CCC (3) page 6, SEP (4) page 7, SEP (8) page 11, CCC (9) page 12, CCC (11) page 13
- Do CCC (28) page 32
- Video: Fire at the Coal Seam!; questions?
- Investigative Phenomena: Why are Wildfires so difficult to extinguish? (video); note any new facts about combustion that you learn in the video; discuss
- Discuss CCC and SEP on page 5 of your textbook
- Individual: Do the Authentic Reading on Wildfires; discuss
- Complete Nuclear Chemistry seminotes
- Video: Fire at the Coal Seam!; questions? Due Tuesday Dec. 14th
- Investigative Phenomena: Why are Wildfires so difficult to extinguish? (video); note any new facts about combustion that you learn in the video; discuss
- Answer your CCC and SEP on page 5 of your textbook
- Individual: Do the Authentic Reading on Wildfires
- Continue Nuclear Chemistry seminotes
- Nuclear decay quiz on Friday December 13th; know: the types of radiation that we studied and their properties (alpha, beta, gamma, positron)
- Course selection presentation and questions
- Complete Stoichiometry and Gravimetric lab data collection; lab debrief; submit
- Lab quiz
- Do SEP (51) and “Revisit the Anchoring Phenomenon” (52) page 259; due tomorrow
- Begin Nuclear Chemistry Seminotes
- Stoichiometric and Gravimetric Analysis lab; due Friday
- Stoichiometric and Gravimetric Analysis lab quiz on Friday; know what type of reaction we observed in the lab, be able to define what a precipitate is (in chemistry), list what the safety hazards were in this lab, list the safety precautions we took to protect ourselves, and tell which of the products was the clear liquid and which one was the precipitate
- Unit 2 exam: Chemical reactions
- Read page 30
- Return assignments
- Complete Solution notes
- Correct CCC (38) page 243, SEP (39) page 245
- Read 249-257
- Do CCC (44) page 252, SEP (46) page 254, SEP (49) page 257, and SEP (50) page 258; due today
- Submit Molarity and molality problem set; all practice problems and Additional problems #s 1-3 done on lined paper
- Plickers
- Tutoring after school
- Unit 2 test tomorrow
- Given the concept of solution chemistry, you will be able to explain why the inks were able to separate on the paper correctly.
- Chromatography lab; due tomorrow
- Notes: Molarity, Molality, and Chromatography
- Read pages 242-247
- Do CCC (38) page 243, SEP (39) page 245
- Solution Problem set due Tuesday December 3; do all Practice Problems and Additional Problems # 1-3
- Unit 2 exam Wednesday December 4th
- Submit Stoichiometry problem set
- Correct SEP (11) page 348 and SEP (12) page 349
- Notes: Solutions, Liquid Mixtures, Liquid solutions, Colloids, and Suspensions
- Colloid Demonstration
- Solution Problem set due Tuesday December 3; do all Practice Problems and Additional Problems # 1-3
- There is a link to tutorials on the Mole concept and Stoichiometry problem set in Google classroom
- Correct SEP (3) page 340, SEP (4) page 341, and CCC (5) page 342
- Stoichiometry Problem set questions; due Thursday
- Read 347-356
- Do SEP (11) page 348 and SEP (12) page 349; due tomorrow
- Continue Solution notes
- Mole Concept problem set due today; tutorial posted in Google Classroom
- Begin Solution notes
- Stoichiometry problem set; do all practice problems and “Additional problems” #s 1-4, showing all work; due Thursday December 7; full version and tutorial posted in Google Classroom
- Read 339-346; do SEP (3) page 340, SEP (4) page 341, and CCC (5) page 342; due tomorrow
- Complete Notes: the Mole Concept
- Do Mole concept problem set, all practice problems and Additional problems #s 1-3, 5; due tomorrow; all Additional Problems must be done on a separate piece of lined paper showing all steps and units in order to receive maximum credit
- Correct SEP (21) page 323
- Discuss SEP (22) page 324
- Correct SEP (23) page 325
- Correct SEP (24) page 327
- Discuss Investigative Phenomena on page 328; do SEP (25) page 328
- Notes: Mole concept
- Do Mole concept problem set, all practice problems and Additional problems #s 1-3, 5; due Tuesday November 19th; all Additional Problems must be done on a separate piece of lined paper showing all steps and units in order to receive maximum credit
- Correct “Equations” w.s.
- Balancing Chemical Equation quiz
- Discuss SEP (20) page 322
- Do SEP (21) page 323
- Discuss SEP (22) page 324
- Do SEP (23) page 325
- Do SEP (24) page 327; due tomorrow
- Discuss Investigative Phenomena on page 328; do SEP (25) page 328; due tomorrow
- Submit Chemical Names and Formulas lab
- Chemical Names and Formulas lab quiz
- Correct SEP page 321
- Balancing Chemical Equation quiz tomorrow; know: how to add subscripts to balance for charge, once charge is balanced, add coefficients to balance for mass, be able to complete half reactions, be able to write a balanced chemical equation given a word equation half reaction
- Complete “Equations” w.s.; due tomorrow
- Chemical Reactions w.s. due tomorrow
- SEP page 321 due tomorrow
- Lab: Chemical Names and Formulas due tomorrow
- Lab quiz tomorrow; know: why we use Roman numerals on elements, what numerical subscripts are used for in formulas, why we use parentheses around polyatomic ions in a formula when adding subscripts, know how to name ionic and covalent compounds
- Balancing Chemical Equation Quiz on Thursday
- Review notes: Types of Reactions
- Discuss SEP (14) page 316, SEP (15) page 317 and SEP (19) page 321
- Lab: Chemical Names and Formulas due Wednesday
- Lab quiz Wednesday; know: why we use Roman numerals on elements, what numerical subscripts are used for in formulas, why we use parentheses around polyatomic ions in a formula when adding subscripts, know how to name ionic and covalent compounds
- Balancing Chemical Equation Quiz on Thursday
- Questions on Balancing Chemical equation w.s. (either one); correct
- Complete notes: Types of Reactions
- Discuss SEP (14) page 316 and SEP (15) page 317
- Do SEP (19) page 321; due tomorrow
- Discuss Investigative Phenomena (page 194)
- Revisit Anchoring Phenomena (from page 96-97): What distinguishes the minerals in this mountain? Answer question from page 195 (36)
- New Anchoring Phenomena: How can we produce better foods? (page 196-197)
- Do “Inquiry Launch” page 197
- Investigative Phenomena: How is energy obtained from chemical reactions? (page 302-303; do CCC (1) and SEP (2) page 303
- Notes: Types of reactions
- Read 315-327
- Do Chemical Reactions w.s.; due tomorrow
- Correct SEP (3) page 305, SEP (5) page 307, SEP (6) page 308 and SEP (7) page 309
- Correct Chemical Equation questions from h.o.
- Do Balancing Chemical equations w.s.; due tomorrow (front side only)
- Begin Types of Chemical Reactions notes
- Correct SEP (3) page 305, SEP (5) page 307, SEP (6) page 308 and SEP (7) page 309
- Correct Chemical Equation questions from h.o.
- Do Balancing Chemical equations w.s.; due tomorrow (front side only)
- Begin Types of Chemical Reactions notes
- Do CCC (25) page 186, SEP (27) page 188
- Do Sample problems on page 190 (28 & 29)
- Discuss SEP (30) page 191, CCC (31) page 192
- Do Sample Problems (32 & 33) on page 193
- Read pages 303-310
- Do SEP (3) page 305, SEP (5) page 307, SEP (6) page 308 and SEP (7) page 309; due Tuesday
- Warm-up: What is the oxidation number for sulfur in H2SO4?
- Submit Naming Compounds w.s.
- Complete Oxidation notes
- Return and correct assignments
- Update Data Book
- Bonding Quiz
- Complete Oxidation notes
- Practice
- Naming Compounds w.s. due tomorrow (both sides); questions?
- Bonding quiz tomorrow; know 3 main types of bonds, properties for each, how to determine bond type from electronegativity values or position in table, how to draw Lewis structures, and why metals have luster and malleability
- Correct SEP (24) page 184
- Complete CER from beginning of unit and submit
- Reaction of sodium and water video
- Notes: Oxidation numbers
- Read 185-193
- Do Naming Compounds w.s.; due Thursday
- Notes: Attractions between Molecules
- Notes: Van Der Waal forces
- Notes: Hydrogen Bonds
- Read 179-183
- Do SEP (24) page 184
- Bonding Quiz on Wednesday
- Notes: Metallic Bonds
- Correct SEP (10) page 165, CCC (11) page 166, CCC (12) page 167
- Bonding quiz on Wednesday; know 3 main types of bonds, properties for each, how to determine bond type from electronegativity values or position in table, how to draw Lewis structures, and why metals have luster and malleability
- Element w.s.; due today
- Submit Bonding lab
- Bonding lab quiz
- Correct “Writing Formulas from Names” and “Formula Building” w.s.
- Correct Flame test lab
- Notes: Metallic Bonds
- Read 165-167
- Do SEP (10) page 165, CCC (11) page 166, CCC (12) page 167; due tomorrow
- Calculating Bond polarity w.s. due
- Bonding Lab due tomorrow
- Bonding lab quiz tomorrow; know: what was the name of the functional group in the alcohol (ethanol)? What do the different link represent? Be able to draw the different Lewis structures for the molecules on the assignment
- Compete Covalent Bond notes
- Do the “Writing Formulas from Names” and “Formula Building” w.s.; due today
- Chemical Bonding lab; due Thursday
- Calculating Bond polarity w.s.; due Wednesday
- Complete corrections from yesterday: CCC (14) page 170, Sample problem (15) page 173, CCC (16) page 174, and SEP (17) page 175
- Continue covalent bond notes
- Correct CCC (14) page 170, Sample problem (15) page 173, CCC (16) page 174, and SEP (17) page 175; homework check /3
- Notes: Covalent bonds
- Correct Lewis Structures w.s.; bring this sheet Friday to use with your lab
- Submit “Electron Dot Structures for Ionic Bonds” w.s.
- Discuss reading (pages 169-175)
- N-A = S formula for solving Covalent Lewis structures
- Lewis Structure sheet due tomorrow
- Do CCC (14) page 170, Sample problem (15) page 173, CCC (16) page 174, and SEP (17) page 175; due tomorrow
- Submit Objectives journal
- Correct CCC and SEP on page 155; CCC on page 157 and CCC on page 159
- Do Electron Dot Structures for Ionic Compounds; due tomorrow
- Do Lewis Structure w.s.; due Thursday
- Use the N-A = S formula sheet in the notes section of Google Classroom
- Read pages 169-175
- Notes: Ionic Bonds
- Practice writing dot structures for ions between 1-20
- Do CCC and SEP on page 155; do CCC on page 157 and CCC on page 159; due tomorrow
- Read pages 161-163
- Begin Chemical Reactions unit; Investigative Phenomena question: Why do gems have different properties than metals?
- Brainstorm (pair share): What did you observe? How do the gems in the bowl differ from one another? Which properties are determined by the kinds of atoms in the gems’ molecules?
- CER; brainstorm questions about the phenomenon
- Read pages 155-160
- Notes: Ionic Bonds
- Practice writing dot structures for ions between 1-20
- Do CCC and SEP on page 155; do CCC on page 157 and CCC on page 159; due today
- Read pages 161-163
- College week presentations
- Begin Chemical Reactions unit; Investigative Phenomena question: Why do gems have different properties than metals?
- Video: Tool of the Trade; take notes about what you observed
- Brainstorm (pair share): What did you observe? How do the gems in the bowl differ from one another? Which properties are determined by the kinds of atoms in the gems’ molecules?
- CER; brainstorm questions about the phenomenon
- Read pages 155-160
Atoms, Elements, and Molecules exam: 65 multiple choice questions
- Return assignments
- Complete CER and submit
- Element survey
- Make corrections
- Do SEP (28) and (29) page 129; due today
- Do “Revisit the Anchoring Phenomenon” page 129; due tomorrow
- Atoms, Elements, and Molecules exam Wednesday Oct. 9th
- Plickers
- Tutoring tomorrow after school 3:35-4:35
- Return assignments
- Review exam outline
- Van de Graaf generator
- Warm-up: What are the properties of metals?
- Notes on Quantum numbers
- Quantum number concept check
- Assignment: write the electron configuration for the elements numbers 1-20; write the Noble gas configuration for the same elements
- Do SEP page 120 and do the Sample problem on page 125
- Read pages 126-128; do “Apply Concepts” page 126, “CCC Patterns” page 127 and SEP page 128; due Thursday
- Warm-up: What is the pattern for ionization energy and electron affinity in the PTE
- Complete notes on Classification of Elements by their Properties
- Notes: Stars
- Return assignments
- Complete Periodic Table lab and submit
- Warm-up: What is the pattern for ionization energy and electron affinity in the PTE
- Complete notes on Chemical Families
- Notes: Classification of Elements by their Properties
- Revisit Anchoring Phenomenon; adapt CER
- Develop a Periodic Table activity (lab groups)
- Complete the activity and submit one sheet for the group; make sure each participating member has their name on the sheet
- Atoms, Elements, and Molecules exam Wednesday October 9th; exam outline in Resource folder in Classroom
- Atomic Theory Quiz
- Complete Transition elements notes
- Correct CCC (17) page 150 and (18) page 151
- Revisit Investigative Phenomenon
- Revisit Anchoring Phenomenon; update CER
- Atomic Theory Quiz tomorrow
- Complete notes on Periodic Trends
- Warm-up: What is the pattern for atomic and ionic radii on the table?
- Warm-up #2: where do we find the s and p block on the PTE
- Correct SEP (12) page 145, SEP (13) page 146, and CCC (14) page 147
- Discuss SEP (16) page 149
- Notes: Transition elements
- Do CCC (17) page 150 and (18) page 151
- Submit Flame test lab
- Flame test lab quiz
- Return Assignments
- Update Data book
- Notes: The Periodic Table
- Notes: Periodic Trends
- Do SEP (12) page 145, SEP (13) page 146, and CCC (14) page 147
- Read 150-151
- Complete Flame test lab; lab due tomorrow
- Flame test lab quiz tomorrow; know: term used for electrons in different energy levels, what the two pieces of evidence that we use to identify an metal, examples of cations and anions
- Warm-up: What are some of the patterns seen in the PTE?
- Atom quiz Thursday: know the Rutherford experiment, properties of the subatomic particles, how atomic masses and mass numbers are calculated for an atom or an isotope, the properties of an electron in a ground or excited state
- Notes: Properties in the PTE
- Flame test lab; due Tuesday
- Warm-up: What are some of the patterns seen in the PTE?
- Atom quiz Wednesday: know the Rutherford experiment, properties of the subatomic particles, how atomic masses and mass numbers are calculated for an atom or an isotope, the properties of an electron in a ground or excited state
- Correct SEP (4) page 134, SEP (5) page 135, and SEP (6) page 136
- Notes: Elements and Identifying Elements
- Discuss CCC (7) page 137
- Read 138-139, 144-149
- Submit Bohr diagram w.s.
- Revisit Investigative Phenomenon: What causes the colors in a fireworks display? How would you adapt your original model?
- Investigative phenomena: Why are elements in pure form so rare?
- Do CCC (1) and SEP (2) page 131; discuss
- Think Pair Share: What are examples of metals that have properties unlike other metals?
- Discuss: how is the Periodic Table of the Elements (PTE) organized?
- Read 131-136
- Do SEP (4) page 134, SEP (5) page 135, and SEP (6) page 136
- Warm-up: what is the difference between an electron in the ground state and the excited state?
- Notes: Ions
- Correct SEP page 111 and CCC page 113
- Bohr diagram w.s. due tomorrow
- Review page 110-114
- Warm-up: write the notation for Calcium and the hyphen notation for the isotope of oxygen with 7 neutrons
- Complete notes on Atomic Mass
- Review: Calculating Atomic Mass (page 107)
- Do Explore Bohr Model Patterns w.s.; due Wednesday
- Do SEP (15) page 111 and CCC (16) page 113; due tomorrow
- How to access the website from your mobile device
- Complete Modeling assignment and submit (pair/share)
- Correct SEP (7) page 104, SEP (8) page 105 and compare and contrast (13) page 109
- Practice: Atomic diagrams
- Complete Mass number notes
- Notes: Atomic Mass
- Review: Calculating Atomic Mass (page 107)
- Warm-up: What are the properties of a subatomic particle? (charge, location, mass)
- Correct CCCs on page 100 and page 101
- Discuss “Infer” on page 102
- Do SEP page 103
- Notes: Atoms
- Draw Atomic Diagrams
- Do SEP (7) page 104, SEP (8) page 105
- Read page 109; do compare and contrast (13) page 109
- Read 110-115 for Friday
- Submit Density lab
- Math Concepts review quiz
- Correct CCC and SEP page 99
- Warm-up: What elements do we find in humans?
- Notes: Atoms and the Periodic Table
- Read pages 100-102
- Answer CCC on page 100 and page 101
- Answer “Infer” on page 102
- Read 103-108
- Questions for Density Lab? Due tomorrow
- Math Concepts review quiz tomorrow
- Warm-up: What are the subatomic particles and their properties?
- Investigate phenomena: What causes the colors in a fireworks display? Answer questions on page 99 of your textbook
- Visuals: Auroras, fireworks, candles
- Density experiment; due Wednesday
- Math Concepts Quiz on Wednesday; know the concepts we have learned in this unit: rounding, significant figures, metric conversions, scientific notation and density
- Safety Quiz
- Submit Density problem set
- Math concepts quiz Wednesday; multiple choice format
- How to use your digital textbook
- Unit 1 Anchoring Phenomena: What distinguishes the minerals in a mountain?
- Crystal formation video
▫Why are some of the crystals square shaped?
▫What happens when two crystals touch?
▫What would happen if you removed a crystal from the solution?
- In your notebook, list examples of rocks or minerals that you are familiar with
▫What do you think causes the differences in the color of the minerals in the Rainbow Mountains?
▫What do you think caused the rock layers to have so many different colors at different periods on Earth?
- Scientific notation problem set due; questions?
- Laboratory Safety Quiz tomorrow
- Summarize math concepts
- Math review quiz next week on Wednesday
- How to use your digital textbook
- Discuss Unit storyline for Unit 1
- Discuss Anchoring Phenomena
- Correct and submit Metric system problem set
- Questions on Scientific notation problem set? Packet is due tomorrow
- Density formula (D= m/v); do Density Problem set; due Friday
- Safety Quiz on Friday
- Revisit Sig figs
- Complete notes from yesterday
- Scientific notation problem set questions? Review Sample problems; due Thursday
- Submit safety contract
- Metric system conversion worksheets due tomorrow
- Revisit Sig figs
- Complete notes from yesterday
- Scientific notation problem set questions? Review Sample problems; due Thursday
- Submit safety contract
- Metric system conversion worksheets due Wednesday
- Metric system problem set due Wednesday; general questions?
- Chemistry Laboratory Regulations; safety contract due Tuesday
- Notes: Scientific notation
- Scientific notation problem set: do all practice problems; do “Additional problems” #s 1-4 on a separate sheet of paper; due Thursday
- Questions in the Rounding and Significant figures problem sets?
- Continue safety guidelines; safety contract due next week by Tuesday
- Metric system problem set; due Wednesday
- Graphing worksheet: complete the 5 graphs from the data sheet on your graph paper following the guidelines discussed in class; due tomorrow
- Discuss Problem solving in science; notes
- Rounding and significant figures problem set; due Thursday
- Graphing worksheet: complete the 5 graphs from the data sheet on your graph paper following the guidelines discussed in class; due Tuesday
- Revisit CER results from yesterday
- Can you create a CER for Chemistry or Earth Science?
- Note-taking procedure
- Discuss the difference between inference and observations
- How are models used in science?
- Please bring 3 sheets of graph paper for tomorrow
- Complete syllabus and course outline run through
- How to use the science website
- PSA: Service clubs on campus
- What is a CER? What are the applications in Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Science
- Review Course syllabus
- Assign textbooks
- Review 8th grade standards that are a prerequisite for Chemistry
- Introduction to AP Biology
- Course information
- Course Codes
- Website Access/Google Classroom
- How can you have success in Chemistry?