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Chemistry In The Earth System Agendas

Course Content


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Correct CCC (14) page 170, Sample problem (15) page 173, CCC (16) page 174, and SEP (17) page 175; homework check /3
  • Notes: Covalent bonds
  • Correct Lewis Structures w.s.; bring this sheet Friday to use with your lab


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Submit “Electron Dot Structures for Ionic Bonds” w.s.
  • Discuss reading (pages 169-175)
  • N-A = S formula for solving Covalent Lewis structures
  • Lewis Structure sheet due tomorrow
  • Do CCC (14) page 170, Sample problem (15) page 173, CCC (16) page 174, and SEP (17) page 175; due tomorrow


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Submit Objectives journal
  • Correct CCC and SEP on page 155; CCC on page 157 and CCC on page 159
  • Do Electron Dot Structures for Ionic Compounds; due tomorrow
  • Do Lewis Structure w.s.; due Thursday
  • Use the N-A = S formula sheet in the notes section of Google Classroom
  • Read pages 169-175


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Begin Chemical Reactions unit; Investigative Phenomena question: Why do gems have different properties than metals?
  • Brainstorm (pair share): What did you observe? How do the gems in the bowl differ from one another? Which properties are determined by the kinds of atoms in the gems’ molecules?
  • CER; brainstorm questions about the phenomenon
  • Read pages 155-160
  • Notes: Ionic Bonds
  • Practice writing dot structures for ions between 1-20
  • Do CCC and SEP on page 155; do CCC on page 157 and CCC on page 159; due today
  • Read pages 161-163


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • College week presentations
  • Begin Chemical Reactions unit; Investigative Phenomena question: Why do gems have different properties than metals?
  • Video: Tool of the Trade; take notes about what you observed
  • Brainstorm (pair share): What did you observe? How do the gems in the bowl differ from one another? Which properties are determined by the kinds of atoms in the gems’ molecules?
  • CER; brainstorm questions about the phenomenon
  • Read pages 155-160


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Element survey
  • Make corrections
  • Do SEP (28) and (29) page 129; due today
  • Do “Revisit the Anchoring Phenomenon” page 129; due tomorrow
  • Atoms, Elements, and Molecules exam Wednesday Oct. 9th
  • Plickers
  • Tutoring tomorrow after school 3:35-4:35


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Warm-up: What are the properties of metals?
  • Notes on Quantum numbers
  • Quantum number concept check
  • Assignment: write the electron configuration for the elements numbers 1-20; write the Noble gas configuration for the same elements
  • Do SEP page 120 and do the Sample problem on page 125
  • Read pages 126-128; do “Apply Concepts” page 126, “CCC Patterns” page 127 and SEP page 128; due Thursday


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Revisit Anchoring Phenomenon; adapt CER
  • Develop a Periodic Table activity (lab groups)
  • Complete the activity and submit one sheet for the group; make sure each participating member has their name on the sheet
  • Atoms, Elements, and Molecules exam Wednesday October 9th; exam outline in Resource folder in Classroom


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Atomic Theory Quiz tomorrow
  • Complete notes on Periodic Trends
  • Warm-up: What is the pattern for atomic and ionic radii on the table?
  • Warm-up #2: where do we find the s and p block on the PTE
  • Correct SEP (12) page 145, SEP (13) page 146, and CCC (14) page 147
  • Discuss SEP (16) page 149
  • Notes: Transition elements
  • Do CCC (17) page 150 and (18) page 151


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Complete Flame test lab; lab due tomorrow
  • Flame test lab quiz tomorrow; know: term used for electrons in different energy levels, what the two pieces of evidence that we use to identify an metal, examples of cations and anions
  • Warm-up: What are some of the patterns seen in the PTE?
  • Atom quiz Thursday: know the Rutherford experiment, properties of the subatomic particles, how atomic masses and mass numbers are calculated for an atom or an isotope, the properties of an electron in a ground or excited state
  • Notes: Properties in the PTE


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Warm-up: What are some of the patterns seen in the PTE?
  • Atom quiz Wednesday: know the Rutherford experiment, properties of the subatomic particles, how atomic masses and mass numbers are calculated for an atom or an isotope, the properties of an electron in a ground or excited state
  • Correct SEP (4) page 134, SEP (5) page 135, and SEP (6) page 136
  • Notes: Elements and Identifying Elements
  • Discuss CCC (7) page 137
  • Read 138-139, 144-149


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Submit Bohr diagram w.s.
  • Revisit Investigative Phenomenon: What causes the colors in a fireworks display? How would you adapt your original model?
  • Investigative phenomena: Why are elements in pure form so rare?
  • Do CCC (1) and SEP (2) page 131; discuss
  • Think Pair Share: What are examples of metals that have properties unlike other metals?
  • Discuss: how is the Periodic Table of the Elements (PTE) organized?
  • Read 131-136
  • Do SEP (4) page 134, SEP (5) page 135, and SEP (6) page 136


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Warm-up: write the notation for Calcium and the hyphen notation for the isotope of oxygen with 7 neutrons
  • Complete notes on Atomic Mass
  • Review: Calculating Atomic Mass (page 107)
  • Do Explore Bohr Model Patterns w.s.; due Wednesday
  • Do SEP (15) page 111 and CCC (16) page 113; due tomorrow


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • How to access the website from your mobile device
  • Complete Modeling assignment and submit (pair/share)
  • Correct SEP (7) page 104, SEP (8) page 105 and compare and contrast (13) page 109
  • Practice: Atomic diagrams
  • Complete Mass number notes
  • Notes: Atomic Mass
  • Review: Calculating Atomic Mass (page 107)


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Warm-up: What are the properties of a subatomic particle? (charge, location, mass)
  • Correct CCCs on page 100 and page 101
  • Discuss “Infer” on page 102
  • Do SEP page 103
  • Notes: Atoms
  • Draw Atomic Diagrams
  • Do SEP (7) page 104, SEP (8) page 105
  • Read page 109; do compare and contrast (13) page 109
  • Read 110-115 for Friday


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Submit Density lab
  • Math Concepts review quiz
  • Correct CCC and SEP page 99
  • Warm-up: What elements do we find in humans?
  • Notes: Atoms and the Periodic Table
  • Read pages 100-102
  • Answer CCC on page 100 and page 101
  • Answer “Infer” on page 102
  • Read 103-108


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Questions for Density Lab? Due tomorrow
  • Math Concepts review quiz tomorrow
  • Warm-up: What are the subatomic particles and their properties?
  • Investigate phenomena: What causes the colors in a fireworks display? Answer questions on page 99 of your textbook
  • Visuals: Auroras, fireworks, candles


By Chemistry In The Earth System
    • Safety Quiz
    • Submit Density problem set
    • Math concepts quiz Wednesday; multiple choice format
    • How to use your digital textbook
    • Unit 1 Anchoring Phenomena: What distinguishes the minerals in a mountain?
    • Crystal formation video

    ▫Why are some of the crystals square shaped?

    ▫What happens when two crystals touch?

    ▫What would happen if you removed a crystal from the solution?

    • In your notebook, list examples of rocks or minerals that you are familiar with

    ▫What do you think causes the differences in the color of the minerals in the Rainbow Mountains?

    ▫What do you think caused the rock layers to have so many different colors at different periods on Earth?


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Scientific notation problem set due; questions?
  • Laboratory Safety Quiz tomorrow
  • Summarize math concepts
  • Math review quiz next week on Wednesday
  • How to use your digital textbook
  • Discuss Unit storyline for Unit 1
  • Discuss Anchoring Phenomena


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Metric system problem set due Wednesday; general questions?
  • Chemistry Laboratory Regulations; safety contract due Tuesday
  • Notes: Scientific notation
  • Scientific notation problem set: do all practice problems; do “Additional problems” #s 1-4 on a separate sheet of paper; due Thursday


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Graphing worksheet: complete the 5 graphs from the data sheet on your graph paper following the guidelines discussed in class; due tomorrow
  • Discuss Problem solving in science; notes
  • Rounding and significant figures problem set; due Thursday


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Revisit CER results from yesterday
  • Can you create a CER for Chemistry or Earth Science?
  • Note-taking procedure
  • Discuss the difference between inference and observations
  • How are models used in science?
  • Please bring 3 sheets of graph paper for tomorrow